Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why I'm Writing This

Sheer terror times three

Too many people are scared of money.  One of my favorite phrases is "punch fear in the face" so this blog is meant to do just that.  It is meant to knock down all your fears about funding your business.  I mean Ali or Tyson that thing!  I will be scouring the funding landscape for the best information AND implementation strategies for all types of small businesses.  Then I will present them to you in a beneficial and fun way.  The end result?  You will have one place you can go for guidance as you fund your business.  I will evaluate at as many situations as possible.  If I miss a scenario just contact me directly and I will look into it for you.  Funds should be fun, so read some of my blogs and start having fun!

Your Fundit
Thomas S. Wilkins

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